New Year New Ewe!

Welcome to 2024, a year to start fresh and dip your toes into new adventures and hobbies. This year we are excited to try...

1) Learning to Knit!

Knitting is a great hobby to adopt as it reduces stress, prevents cognitive decline, and encourages a community of knitters. Join our farm-to- fiber community by knitting with our natural Merino Yarn. Available online or in our flagship store!

2) Cooking with Local Ingredients

Cooking with local ingredients encourages seasonal eating, as well as increase creativity in the kitchen! These changes in your food can increase energy levels and your overall mood. You can support local ingredients by shopping at your local farmers market or cooking with with our Lamb Sausages, Burgers and Ossobuco. Our meat is available in our flagship store and custom cuts are available upon request.

3) Cultivating a Garden

Beginning to cultivate your own garden is a great way to connect with nature around you, whether it’s a plot in your yard or the windowsill of your apartment. Using waste wool as an alternative to traditional mulch help to retain moisture, stop weeds, and utilize farm products that would otherwise be discarded.


Warm Love,

Gum Tree Farm
